Last week, the city planted three trees on 68th Street, between 3rd and 4th Avenues. It will take them a long time to grow as big as the ones we lost during last August's tornado, but we're happy to have them.
Will take a look down 69th Street soon to see if they received any trees.
Work continues on many of the damaged houses. Some have had nearly all the work done, but await final inspection by the City's Buildings Dept.
There's a new discount store at the site of the old Thriftee's. Will scope it out later.
Went down to the library on 73rd Street and Ridge last Tuesday night, when its open until 8pm. There's a Snapple machine that claims to accept library cards as payment. ( Added to the account as if it were a fine?) .But when I tried to use the library card to get a Snapple Iced Tea, it didn't work.