In his first term in office, President Trump, via the Doha agreement, agreed to surrender Afghanistan to the Taliban. The agreement was between the US and the Taliban – the ( US ally ) Afghan government was never permitted to take part in the negotiations.
This week, President Trump commenced negotiations with Russia to end the Ukraine war. The Ukraine government was not permitted to take part in these negotiations.
The Ukraine negotiation is a surrender agreement on the part of the US every bit as much the Afghan negotiation was. Trump has already conceded everything that was important before the negotiations even began- that Russia would not have to give back Ukrainian territory, that Ukraine would not be allowed to enter NATO.
The NATO nations have given significant support to Ukraine, But, like Ukraine, they’re not part of the negotiations, either. The NATO allies weren’t even notified beforehand about the talks.
Trump has been exceptionally disrespectful towards the Ukrainian leadership, and is proposing that Ukraine repay the US on onerous terms, terms even more severe than were imposed on Germany after the first World War. This, while he has been exceptionally deferential towards Putin and Russia. The Russians can’t believe their good fortune.
It’s pretty easy to reach a deal when you give the adversary everything that he wants. Trump did just that in Afghanistan, and he’s doing it now in Ukraine.
Our alliances, and our power are being dismantled before our very eyes.