Many already know this, but both OLA and OLPH have been saved.
Our Lady of Angels School, at 337 74th St., will be renamed Holy Angels Academy. It will retain local Catholic control and religious instruction on an independent basis, the bishop said.
To operate Holy Angels Academy, a new school board will be organized with the responsibility of raising funds, said Rachel Connelly, OLA Home School Association president. It is unclear about tuition arrangements.
Remaining as a parochial school under diocese supervision will be Our Lady of Perpetual Help School, at 5902 Sixth Ave.
More information to be found at Brooklyn Daily Eagle.
Also, good coverage on this issue in Brooklyn Paper
And keep an eye on OLA Bay Ridge blog, which has a youtube video from the archdiocese on the larger issue of school closings.
A tip to OLA, OLPH and to the Diocese : you need to do a lot more reaching out via blogs and youtube and the internet in general. This will help you reach out to both the people in the neighborhood, but also to the many people from Bay Ridge who now may live elsewhere, but who would be happy to help, financially or otherwise. I'm no internet wizard, but if I can be of assistance, I'll help.