I will soon be off to Fraunces Tavern in lower Manhattan. It is an old pub and restaurant, where George Washington said farewell to his troops.
While I visit a place made famous by our greatest president, it is impossible to tune out the noise coming from the worst. Every five minutes he or the Bearded Poodle is insulting one of America’s friends, or is acting to sell them out.
Leadership is always in short supply. We can all agree that the brave President Zelenskyy is the most admirable leader that the world has today. He has led his people against a savage invader for more than three years now. He has certainly made his mistakes, he remains outgunned, But there is no quit in this guy, or in his nation.
Totally agree. Russia & China are chortling over our plummet in influence and descent into chaos, and the rest of the world is horrified the implications for humanity going forward. Handing the reins over to dictatorships, eliminating efforts to control diseases and mitigate natural disasters, removing the ability to research problems before they start, limiting education to the top 10% who have access to private schools...the list of horrors goes on. I can't imagine how we will get out of this morass, unless the courts and business step up in a meaningful way.
He certainly is a great man and a great and courageous leader. All the more so when you consider that he wasn't steeped in politics, diplomacy and rubbing shoulders with political and diplomatic peers for decades before stepping up.
He was a comedian suddenly thrust into a situation which few have ever experienced. It would have crushed most people. Most would have accepted Biden's ride instead of showing defiance and calling for ammunition.
I would remind the MAGA crowd that Trump ducked service in Vietnam. He deserved to have Z remind him of that in the Oval Office.
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