There's a new Associated Market at 7918 Third Avenue...or is it an older one that has been expanded? Anyway, I was walking by today, when I came upon it. It's two stores wide, and its bright and clean, with wide aisles to guide your carts through. Tiny by suburban standards, but a sizeable market by Bay Ridge standards.
Lots of good Greek, Lebanese, and Italian food staples.

Associated Supermarket
7918 Third Avenue
Mon-Sat 8am - 9pm
Sun 8am - 8pm
They deliver!
Now if only they could get a supermarket over here in the high 60s to replace the A&P that used to be here.
I miss the A&P, as if we need a Duane reade around here. I have to now take the bus to Pathmark in Boro Park...ugh!
PS. You walk down my block all the time. You've actually taken photos of my house. lol! 68th b/t 3rd and 4th
I'm not crazy about that drive, but it is a decent market, so I will do it sometimes. If I'm not buying much, will sometimes take the N/D train to New Utrecht from work, then take the B9 bus back to Bay Ridge. Works if you are not buying bulky or heavy things and live in this part of Bay Ridge.
Why not go to the Cropsey Avenue Pathmark? I go there sometimes. Makes for a nice two-fer if I want something from Home Depot.
And I love my Key Food on Third Avenue / 95th.
Thats enough food conversation for now!
I can still see the inside of the A&P all these years later. Sad how things changed in the neighborhood. I go back to visit, last time was the FHHS reunion in Nov, and things have changed so much.
That Associated has been there for decades - I think they just spruced it up and gave it a grand re-opening.
Is the one on 75th and 3rd still there - Food City?
Food City is still there. For some reason, I rarely go there.
I was really angry when the A&P closed. I think that it had been poorly run for years before its closing....if they ran it properly, the place could have been a gold mine. It should still be open.
Its such a waste to have it replaced by the Duane Reade, when noone needed yet another drug store and everyone needs a supermarket.
I see a lot of " Fresh Direct " trucks around Bay Ridge these days. FD is a great service I am told, but another reason is that Bay Ridge simply does not have enough supermarkets below 86th Street.
My ex-boyfriend lived a couple blocks away from the A&P, and I used to go shopping there all the time. I remember specifically not to go on a line with a certain redheaded cashier because she was slower than molasses. I was surprised to see that the A&P is now a Duane Reade the last time I was in Bay Ridge. There are drugstores everywhere!
At least there are other mom & pop establishments you can go to if a supermarket isn't exactly close to you if you're in a pinch within walking distance. I used to go to the meat store on 3rd Ave. (Congiano's?) and thought they had pretty decent stuff.
Here in Las Vegas, we have nothing but supermarkets, but you do have to get in your car and drive over. I miss the convenience in Bay Ridge where you can just walk a couple of blocks and you can find groceries.
I used to work at th' A&P just before it closed, was a long-time shopper before then.
Thing is, Waldbaum's took it over after it's initial closin' in 1998, which was then kept open under th' new banner. Now, durin' that closin' sale, prices were marked down an' th' store took a loss it never recovered from.
Management was a joke, but we got some good guys in near th' end. We actually started to MAKE money fer th' first time in October of our last year...so th' company sent us overstock from another store to bog down our inventory yet again. Punishment fer doin' a good job, th' current manager had joked.
Was one of th' best jobs I had an' I liked most of th' people I worked with. I was sad to see it go, especially after so many years there. I took as many souveniers as I could, of course. My next stop was supposed to be th' Waldbaum's in Ceasar's Bay, but when that closed went to that godforsaken Key Food on 95th before I quickly turned tail to th' Waldbaum's on New Utrecht. Now THOSE are crap stores.
Dumb me, I left out th' most important part! Th' reason th' store was finally closed was because th' company was restructurin' itself to become a chain of super stores, which meant all th' little stores, like ours, hadda go. They closed several others in th' followin' years as well. Also, rumors came forth that Waldbaum's was plannin' an ultimate move out of th' NY area to be replaced by one of it's other chains. Why? I have no idea. Th' company couldn't find it's rear with two hands an' a flashlight.
Hey I blogged at the tornado clip and I heard they are going to put up a new supermarket in place of the Duane Reede anyone have any info I really hope they do it will sure help out all of us still living here and struggling to get our shopping done!!!
Oh and if anyone has ANY information please email me I am starving for information on the suposed supermarket mmmyof4@yahoo.com
I just moved to 69th & 4th last year--why are there no supermarkets around here?? The closest one (I think) is the Food City on 74th or something. I came from a dumpy part of Astoria where I had *four* supermarkets within a few blocks. I like all the little shops around here, but for heaven's sake somebody open a supermarket already.
And to the last poster, the Duane Reade is now a bargain clothing outlet. I had no idea that used to be a supermarket. Guess I got here too late.
Unfortunately, there are no good supermarkets close to here.
If you have a car, I might recommend the Pathmark at 13th Ave and 60th Street, the Key Food at 95th/Third, the Food City at 93rd/Third, or if you are adventurous, the Fairway Market in Red Hook.
If you do not have too much heavy things, and you are taking mass transit anyway, take the D/M to 62nd Steet (exit by the back of train) , or the N to New Utrecht, (same station) and walk to the Boro Park Pathmark on 60th St
On the way home, just take the B9 bus across the street --it will take you right to your doorstep to 69th and Fourth
Nope, no car. I'll check out Boro Park, depending on how late the M runs after work. Thanks for the idea!
PS. Is the Pathmark any better than the Food City on 3rd & 74th? The Food City is pretty decent and not terribly far. I won't waste my time on Pathmark unless it's worth a special trip :)
Pathmark is perhaps three or four times as large as Food City...much better fruit/vegetable/other selection, and much better sales.
The last M train leaves lower Manhattan at around 7am. Remember, exit the back of the train, and just walk down 60th Street
Last M train leaves at 7 PM I meant to say!
> Pathmark is perhaps three or
> four times as large as Food City
Wow!! That sounds like some of the food palaces from my youth (upstate NY), where every supermarket is about the size of an airport.
> Last M train leaves at 7 PM
Perfect! Actually I'm off work today - might just check it out a little later.
i love food city... i remeber i was like 7 or 8 when A&P closed.. i used to love that place.. had the best watermelons.... Food city is not that bad.. but if you need groceries that farmers thing near starbucks is not bad...or that chinese run store near lowens pharmacy is also good... who needs another pharmacy.. the ekerd/riteaid is enough....
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