October 08, 2024

October 7 2024

It has been one year since Hamas crossed from  Gaza into Israel, killing about 1,200, most of them Israeli civilians. 

October 7 was not the beginning of the Arab/ Israeli conflict, But it certainly was the first page of a horrific chapter.

The Hamas supporters in America and in Europe chose October 7, 2024 to have their celebratory commemorations. Not on the one year anniversary of Israel’s invasion of Gaza, but On the one year anniversary of the murders, the rapes, the abductions. I think that tells you everything you need to know about these demonstrators.

This evening, I watched a documentary on Al Jazeera TV about  what has gone down over the past year. 

Al Jazeera’s report began with the Hamas attack, but at no time did it  mention the large scale murders, or the  sexual assaults. 

There was plenty  of footage of Israeli soldiers mistreating captives in Gaza, Of large groups of Gazan Civilians being marched out of their neighborhoods, of the demolition of apartment houses in Gaza, while Israeli soldiers cheered on and sang songs about it.

If you are an American, who gets all his news  from The likes of MSNBC or Fox News, you won’t be well informed about this war at all. These stations devote The majority of their programming to Democrat versus Republican, cops and robbers. 

CNN or BBC will do a better job of reporting the overall picture.

But you will understand things better if at some point you watch  Al Jazeera, Israeli TV, or Israeli, talk radio. These sources from within the region will absolutely be slanted, will absolutely exaggerate some things, and leave other things out, But they also give you glimpses of the terrible situation on the ground.