I'm pretty passionate about all things Brooklyn.
Way back in 1999, I almost joined the Brooklyn Museum. Why almost? I didn't take too kindly to their hosting an exhibit by an "artist" whose masterwork was a painting of the Virgin Mary daubed which elephant shit How clever. This was part of a larger exhibition of Howard Stern type shock-jock "art" by
Young British Artists
So, after eight years, I decide, time to forgive and forget, join the biggest museum in Brooklyn. I logged onto the Brooklyn Museum website, to see that their new permanent exhibition is something called the Elizabeth Sackler Center for Feminist Art
What the hell is "feminist art"? It sounds like something joyless, thin-lipped, and political. Wiki describes it this art movement as referring to "the efforts and accomplishments of feminists internationally to bring more visibility to women within art history and art practice. Corresponding with general developments within feminism, the movement began in the 1960s, flourished throughout the 1970s, and the effects of it continue to the present. " That's the positive spin. But this is a separatist and exclusionary strand in the artistic universe. I don't think its particularly interesting to men --or women. And this is to be a permanent collection, sharing the museum with the art of ancient Egypt?
Sorry, I won't support this.
The museum's a fine space, despite the amateurish turns they've taken over the past decade. I do want to visit soon. Target Stores hosts a free "First Saturdays" program once a month. I may visit next weekend. If they ask me for a contribution, I'll say "No-Go ask Elizabeth Sackler!"

Last night on Charlie Rose, Ronnie "the Hitman" Lauder from New York's Neue Galerie was the guest. Lauder is reported to have spent $135 million to buy Gustav Klimt's "Porträt der Adele Bloch-Bauer" for the Neue Galerie. Perhaps because Ronnie overpaid so badly for this painting, the Neue Galerie charges $275 a year for a New Yorker to be a member. Don't look for me there. You'll see me drooling over the next Elizabeth Sackler feminist art show before you see me pay $275 annual dues to join a museum!