September 06, 2024

a quick temporary post

 Hi Team

I am busy tidying up a website that hasn’t been used much at all over for more than a decade

Some of the old blogroll has been removed, Many of the old blogs that I once linked to no longer exist, 

At least, for the foreseeable future, I will use  comment moderation, to ensure that everybody plays nice. Also, it will make it much easier to keep the spammers away.

The default setting was that you had to be a Google account in order To comment. I have changed it so that those without Google accounts can comment on an anonymous basis ( but in their comment, they can still identify themselves if they choose to ) 

Some of the links and posts might not be as much interest to some because they are neighborhood specific

A given Post might be talking about a restaurant in the neighborhood, while the next one attempts to solve the insolvable problems in Europe and the Middle East. We will figure it out as we go along

Suggestions are welcome


City Troll said...

Love the walkway picture. You do know now you should change that same shot with each change of season...... I hope to see some good conversations here. and you do not have to ever post this comment, but you can.
I give you my word that I will be civil to all, and if someone is not civil with me I will disengage.
I miss the conversations, when we actually had them.

The Phantom said...

You are welcome here.

That path is in Owls Head Park, Which is not far from me. I’ve walked up that hill, many times over the course of a lifetime. I took that photo probably in 2020 during the Covid lockdown days. I Had to get out of the house every day, and some of those days I would walk around this park

City Troll said...

So that picture looks like spring. I miss living in the city, but the nice part about being in the farmland at the base of the mountains is I didn't have far to go to avoid crowds.

City Troll said...

Hey Phantom if you actually want your email posted, change the color of the font, the branches hide it.

The Phantom said...

Good idea let me check into that.

I’m still figuring out how this thing works

City Troll said...

Blogspot after all these years is still quirky. On your comment page after you leave a comment you get stuck there. I don't know if it's due to moderation setting or something else, but once you leave a comment there is no way to go directly back to the main page.

The Phantom said...

I was unaware of that

I have enabled Comment moderation, for two reasons

If there is no moderation on blogger, there will be many spam comments appearing every day

Also, it will keep the name callers away. If there is any ad hom, the comment won’t be published!

City Troll said...

agreed, it's the best way to go. No my point was once a person leaves a comment you can't just click back to the main page or the post. You click the post link it takes you to a second link page and makes you click again where you then finally get back to the post.

Looks Much better on the email out of three.