September 08, 2024

Belfast Grand Central Station is open


New York City has its Grand Central Terminal, and now Belfast has its Grand Central Station, which  has just opened.

Grand Central Station replaces the Europa bus station as the departure point for long distance buses. Inter city buses I think are a bigger thing in Ireland that they are in America. 

 Before the end of the year, we are told that Grand Central Station will have train service, including hourly trains to Dublin.

Good show for Belfast.. This is exactly the kind of first class facility that a large and confident city should have..

The name Grand Central Station is of course an homage to New York City. 

Good show, Belfast.


Anonymous said...

I did not know about this. Belfast and Northern Ireland have benefited greatly from the peace agreements

The Phantom said...

It’s more of a normal place now, but NI still a pretty divided society. The economy has improved since the Good Friday agreement, but Belfast is significantly poorer than Dublin, with more unemployment