December 30, 2024

Jimmy Carter RIP

 It has often been said that Jimmy Carter was “the worst president in American history”. But many things that are often said are not true, and this is one of them. 

In my opinion, Jimmy Carter was a very good foreign policy president. 

He officially normalized relations with China. 

He brokered the Israel/Egypt peace  treaty, a  deal that has stood the test of time.

 And he pushed through the Panama Canal treaty, which in my opinion was a deal that was good for the US, and good for our relations with Latin America. Things in that part of the world could’ve gotten very bad if the US had insisted on holding onto the Canal.

Carter had the bad fortune of being president when the Iranian revolution, and the hostage taking of US Embassy personnel took place. And he took office not long after the Vietnam war came to an end for  the USA, but not for the unfortunate populations of Vietnam and Cambodia.

Unlike Many presidents and former presidents, I didn’t see Jimmy Carter trying to cash in on his time in  office. He did many Weerth file things after leaving the oval office. 

We saw  him organizing and getting his hands, dirty and building houses for low income people in various places all over the US with Habitat for Humanity. When there was a major hurricane in Florida, The roof blew off many buildings, but not from the Habitat for Humanity houses built there by Carter’s organization. The Habitat for Humanity houses were built properly, with the right amount of nails.

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