Bay Ridge Methodist Church is a gem of a building, listed in the National Registry of Historic Places, and has graced this corner since 1875 I think. But it's in trouble. Water damage over the years has damaged the tower. The stones used in its construction are from a quarry in Pennsylvania that no longer exists. The congregation is smaller than it was, and there is no money for what would be expensive repairs. This building could be torn down, which would be a terrible thing. Full story in the " Bay Ridge Paper " http://www.brooklynpapers.com/html/issues/_vol28/28_16/28_16guide.html

Cool pictures~~~
awesome blog entries, very very interesting.... mmmm...
The next meeting of the Save the Green Church Committee will on Tuesday, July 24th at 7:00 p.m. at 220 Ovington Avenue. We welcome all friends, congregants (past and present) and neighbors of the church. We also welcome your letters to Robert Tierney, the Chairman of the Landmarks Preservation Commission, who has prevented the full Commission from hearing our petition to landmark the church by refusing to calendar it for over a year.
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