January 01, 2006

Thousand Bars - The Bay Ridge Chapters

Freeman was here

Dan Freeman, the first Superhero from Brooklyn, recently completed an odyssey of 1000 bar visits in one year.

Dan listed his experience in his blog
Thousand Bars, and stopped in Bay Ridge many times. His visit to Kelly's Tavern is recounted in the December 27 post.

Ballybunion's, O'Sullivan's, Henry Grattan's, and Kettle Black are shown here

Salty Dog, Mooney's, Greenhouse Cafe, Griswold's and American Legion Post are shown here

JJ Bubbles and Pour House are here

If this odyssey had taken place years ago, I'll bet a dollar he would have stopped in Peggy O'Neill's. But Peggy's lost it's status a good Irish pub years ago, when the management changed and they messed it up.


The Phantom said...


Looks like you're doing just fine!

Anonymous said...

hey let's talk about hobnails, and all the bars of the 80's in bay ridge.


Anonymous said...

has Bennett's closed?

The Phantom said...

Do not know

Anonymous said...

HOBNAILS??? o boy do I feel old. I used to work their for Joe Mouch!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Where have you been, last 5 yrs.Let's get some trivia going!

Anonymous said...

I Loved Hobnails,Griswalds,Tuns,and all the Bay Ridge Bars. We used to go disco dancing at a place on 3rd Avenue somewhere around 71st street called Bojangles. Those were the good ole days.

Kristine said...

Omg Hobnails! The days of the fake paper birth certificates lol
What street was that on?

Unknown said...

How about Beards and Cobblestones and remember" Jack Whitman" the" Good ol Days"

Anonymous said...

Me too!