Looks as though they are landscaping the park, and putting in a new walk path.
But will they maintain it once they rebuild it?
The Key Food on 69th St is doing well, but not too many people are using the valet parking garageacross the street. I don't think valet parking ( and the expectation of tipping ) makes sense when you go to buy groceries. Also the fish market that in the garage ( who thought of that idea? ) does not look like it is doing well at all.
I have no idea how the valet parking at the new Key Foods is doing, because like everyone else it seems, I walk there and back. But the valet parking makes sense to me as a kind of middle-ground solution. Given the high density and low rate of driving compared to other parts of Bay Ridge, I wouldn't expect lots of space for free parking, but neither does the neighborhood seem as dense as others where stores with no parking are the rule.
Anyway, I love the store. It was sorely needed around here. I only moved here 3 years ago and the delis and little double-wide marts just weren't cutting it.
He lives! I thought the exceptionally long hiatus from this blog meant that the Phantom was just that, a phantom, a figment of my Internet imagination. Let's see weekly or more often updates from now on, Mr. P. How about Halladay's perfect game? Did you hear that the Marlins are selling unused tickets to that game--you can buy one, and pretend that you were there!
I agree - the store is a huge improvement, a very welcome neighbor.
The selection is good, the staff is friendly, the prices are good, and the lines are under control.
The valet parking is necessitated by the very tight turns in the parking building across the street. But usage is so low I will not be surprised if they think about taking it away
I'd rather focus on the three consecutive shutouts the Mets fired against those Phillies
We missed you! Glad to have you back with the latest neighborhood news.
Love the new Key Food...it's a godsend. Unfortunately, the fish store closed -- for lack of customers I was told by a KF employee. They're hoping to tweak it a bit and reopen.
Agree, parking garage will probably be another casualty soon. And so far no takers for the other little store next to the now-closed fish store.
Keep posting, Phantom.
Will be writing more, soon.
The across-the-street valet parking never made sense, and sticking a fish store out there next to an unused garage never made sense either.
But the main store is great, and I'm seeing the neighbors there every time I'm there, which is often.
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