Turning onto Manhattan bound 278, off 86th Street, 7th Avenue. The direction sign probably dates to when the Verrazano Bridge opened in 1964.

Cars exiting at 86th Street and Seventh Avenue from 278, in the direction coming from Manhattan and downtown Brooklyn. The driver in the lead car has noticed me taking the photo. The woman passenger continues to read a book. ( double click photos to see greater detail )
Nice shots.
Perchance, did yer water happen to be brown most of the day?
Wasn't home until late. Looks normal now.
If there are any concerns, I would switch to beer until the problem has passed!
Nah, it cleared up this afternoon...was just wonderin' how far it stretched. Co-worker what lives 12 blocks away had it too as did my job. Main musta broke somewhere.
Nice pics, where's Nathan's in the background lol.
Nathans has been there for a long time now, of course. But does anyone remember when it was a Wetson's Hamburger Place? ( until perhaps maybe the mid 1970s )?
I get my car inspected each December at the shop at the NE corner of 86th and 7th. Its always in the morning, and I always treat myself to a Nathans breakfast!
That's an honest auto shop by the way. They keep my 1990 Taurus purring nicely.
Superburger baby! Too bad I don't like to spend that much on one burger, though. Give me White Castle anyday.
yeah it's a shame at Nathans over there it's like 3 bucks a burger or close to it.
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