The FBI and NYPD have just broken up a plot to blow up the pipeline that runs from Linden NJ to JFK Airport.
Jet fuel, gasoline, and heating oil are transported through these pipes. How the hell to they do this? Heating oil is very heavy, while jet fuel is basically kerosene. Are there multiple pipes? Do they run the different fuels thruough the one pipe?
This pipe cuts right through Bay Ridge. It enters Brooklyn at the bicycle path at 77th Street or so right by the water. There's a warning sign down there, saying not to dig or drop anchor by there.
Not sure where it does so, but the fuel pipeline turns north and then east, so that it runs directly underneath the Bay Ridge Towers apartments. And it runs right underneath the R and parallel to the N subway lines, taken by huge numbers of Bay Ridge and Bensonhurst residents daily.
The good news is that the authorities caught this plot before anything happened. The inferno that these sons of bitches envisioned may not have even been possible--pipeline officials said that they could have minimized any fires by means of cutoff valves.
But pipeline security in Bay Ridge is inadequate. There has been a small homeless camp underneath the Bay Ridge Towers for many decades. The homeless enter the camp through holes in nearby fences or via the Bay Ridge Avenue R train station, walking north along through the southbound tunnel for about four blocks, after which they can walk down the hill to the camp--where the pipeline is located.
If groups of homeless have at-will access to the pipeline area, where they basically sleep right next to it, then you can bet the house that the Islamic terrorists can have access to that pipeline. Anytime they want. Sleep well, Brooklyn.
Reminder to file: don't forget to bring extra toothpaste on the trip to China.
Thanks for that last sentence.
if the terror plot was thwarted why tell us. Ignorance is bliss. I have to get on a plane next month and my life would have been okay had i not known yabout the terror plot argh!
I'll be flying next week. We'll be fine!
There are photos of the targets at JFK and others of Linden, NJ here.
You can also see a picture of the sign you mentioned where the pipe enters Brooklyn. You have to scroll down to the bottom.
The place under the towers is, unfortunately, ridiculously easy to get to. No need to walk into subways tunnels...just past the fire-house, and next to the underpass, there's a staircase that leads right down. Largely, the chain link fence is cut open. If someone mends it, same night it's open again.
Funny that it should be located within meters of 68th precinct, too.
It was always easy to get into. I remember when they were building the Bay Ridge Towers, me and my juvenile delinquent friends would go down there on adventure runs.
I remember us getting access to a flatcar and pushing the thing down the tracks.
Now its not so funny. I am comforted to an extent by reports that the pipeline is fifteen feet below ground, under concrete. Thats good.
But someone in the city/state/railroad/Federal govt has to take responsibility for security on those tracks.
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