I saw a Verizon truck just now, and I asked the employee ( Rick ) if FIOS was going to be coming to Bay Ridge anytime soon. He said that the lines were already being installed along 71st Street, and that you could expect it to be available in much of the neighborhood by the end of the summer.
This fiber optic technology offers the fastest internet connections available in the US, and, I am told, the best TV images.
Plus, Verizon includes the BBC World 24 News Channel, which neither Time Warner nor the satellite TV companies have chosen to offer. That's a big deal to a news junkie like me.
I love my Directv, but when FIOS comes to 68th Street, I expect to switch.
More than one year after the construction ended, the incompetent Bloomberg Administration has removed the No Parking signs on Senator St, by Bay Ridge High School. In another city, this could have been done in a week. In Bloomberg's New York, it takes more than a year to execute the removal of a " No Parking " sign.
Everyone on my block switched to FIOS when it arrived, from Comcast cable. Now they have just as many problems as they had before. There is no good solution, only different, expensive solutions that have problems.
It was NOT more than a year since construction was completed. The totally restored auditorium and its newly restored stained glass windows was just recently completed.
Where DOT screwed up was that they replaced the construction signs with "no parking 7-4 school days" signs.
Yours truly successfully got those removed and the Alternate Side parking restored in record time (same day!!).
Major construction was completed well over a year ago. They absolutely did not need to have those precious spots removed 24/7 for all this time.
anon 3:42
Tell the truth, it wasn't you who had those signs removed, it was I. Maybe I should thank you for the help.
I'll believe it when I see the fiber being pulled on the poles. According to Verizon's filing with the city, Bay Ridge isn't in the five year plan.
Verizon FiOS just arrived in our area and i just love Verizon FiOS
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