Team Duffy assembles before 11am on Saturday, on Charles St ( West Village ) before the walk up to 55th Street, along the banks of the Hudson River. It was an overcast day, a good day for a three mile walk.
Team Duffy and its magnificent supporters in America, Ireland, England, and Australia ( yes! ) raised $2680 for medical research and for important services for patients and their families.

Warm thanks to all who contributed. If you'd still like to throw a few bucks to a great cause, it is not too late. Take out your credit card - click on this, follow the instructions, and thank you very much.
C'mon kids. It was only three miles. Get back up there!! Give me three more miles!!
That was alot of countries to give. That was very nice of everyone but,I don't see an other country that normally gives.(ps i don't like there fries)
Congrats,to everyone that walked! Keep up the good work.
As usual, I'm late to the party.
Great cause, Phantom.
I think the Phantom's feet must be hurting, either that or he's on vacation? We miss you Phamtom.
I miss you too!
Will try to post something tonight
Phantom, We're glad you were able to walk over to your key-board. Welcome back and we're glad your feet are still working.
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