There's been a lot of activity inside and outside the new Key Food supermarket on 69th Street, between Third Avenue and Ridge Boulevard.
Nothing noticeable going on in the projected parking facility across the street, but this afternoon I saw a couple of construction guys taking a look inside there.
This new supermarket will be a very welcome addition to Bay Ridge and hopefully will give a jumpstart to economic activity in the 69th Street and Third Avenue areas.
Yay Key Food! Joan
When is the "other end" of Bay Ridge (90s and 3rd Avenue)finally going to get a supermarket? The Foodtown on 91st is the pits!
I shopped in the 91st Street Foodtown yesterday. I don't think that its the pits at all.
Its not a huge supermarket, but there's no place to put a huge market
I heard that when Foodtown proposed expanding that store, they were told the building they wanted to knock down to make way for a larger supermarket was some kind of a landmark.
"the building they wanted to knock down to make way for a larger supermarket was some kind of a landmark"
The old Loft (Short Ribs) building is NOT a Landmark (capital "L" as in NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission).
It may be considered a landmark by local residents - but that will not prevent its demolition.
Hooray!! It's about time we had a decent store in this area.
Now, if we can only clean up the streets!! Stop the people from throwing litter on the sidewalks, and, if possible, get the residents to maintain their homes!! Bay Ridge Avenue is a nightmare until you get to Shore Road.
Also, we could do without the plastic flowers stuck in filthy pots in front of the mosque!!
While we're at it, STOP IT with the 99 cent stores that pop up overnight. They sell garbage and only encourage the dregs of humanity to come to BR.
Where's the A & P when you need 'em?
why was i blessed with this musical talent?
I agree, Bay Ridge Avenue is a dump. So is Third, Fourth and Fifth.
What happened to our neighborhood??!! When did it become a dumping ground for every litter bug??!!
AMY said: "While we're at it, STOP IT with the 99 cent stores that pop up overnight. They sell garbage and only encourage the dregs of humanity to come to BR."
Everyplace has them - you don't have to make a special trip to BR to shop in one.
If they stay open, it means that someone's buying their stuff. I've also seen some awfully non-"dregs"-y people going into those places, even just for odds & ends, especially since the economy imploded.
You can't just "stop" things because you don't personally like or need them (or because you want to keep out people who either can't afford higher-priced retailers, or can't just pop in a car and drive to some discounter).
If my whims & esthetics were Law, even a lot of deemed-acceptable BR stuff wouldn't exist.
But they're not Law, BR isn't some planned-gated community, it takes all kinds, and those "kinds" change -- b/c of time, and b/c this is NYC.
I have long ago made a reality check that Bay Ridge has lost the appealing character and charm it had when I moved here in the early '80's. I living in NYC all my life know & know very well that this city has gone thru its changes which is just a normal part of life.
But filth is filth, and a main street like 69th Street has turned really unappealing (for lack of a better word) looking.
I am glad that Key Food will be opening, but I just hope it doesn't make the street look even more tacky looking.
Glad to know there's some progress!
Also, ROTFL (etc) re the 99-cent-store complaints. I lived in ZIPs 10021 and 10028 (Upper East Side) for decades, and never ran across the faux-'exclusiveness' that too many Ridgeites promote. We dealt with garbage, stores and zoning as garbage, stores, and zoning, not as some kind of "ewwww! keep out the riff-raff' issue.
Anonymous said..."But filth is filth, and a main street like 69th Street has turned really unappealing (for lack of a better word) looking"
The filth is all over. Stores and ad-hoc work crews are dumping commercial and packaging garbage in street cans and on corners right into the 80s and 90s on 3rd (and no, it doesn't look like mostly household garbage, as some folks claim.) Since cans are at a premium anyway, the stuff overflows, "real" garbage can barely get wedged in, and it all ends up decorating the streets.
Don't turn 69th Street into 39th Street. It is sad that 39th Str. was like 69th Str is now/past.
Hey, Anonymous!
That's what brings down the 'hood -- stores that sell cheap garbage that no one NEEDS!!!
Upgrade the stores and life's a little better for EVERYONE!! Yes, even for the riff raff!!
We all applauded when Starbucks came to BR. How many, I wonder, cheered when they saw yet another 99 cent store go up??!!
Let's clean up these streets!!
I've looked inside the proposed Key Food garage. Currently, it's being used for building supply storage and fabrication. But the permits are posted for the conversion.
Welcome site to Bay Ridge community? I think not! If you have complaints about B-1 , B- 9 & express bus service now, wait till the delivery trucks, the double & triple parking, shut down 69th traffic and your bus is over 1 hour late due to not being able to get thru 69th between 3rd & ridge!!
You raise a legitimate point. 69th Street does have lots of traffic now, and the Key Food will bring more.
Lets see how it is managed. Unfortunately, all of Bay Ridge is basically choked with traffic.
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