Forty three years ago, John F Kennedy was assassinated. I was a student at Our Lady of Angels (OLA) elementary school then. They suspended class and led all the kids into Church for a suddenly called memorial Mass.
Walking home on Fourth Avenue, I saw people crying. My Mom and Dad cried at home. It was one of the worst days ever in Bay Ridge, in America, in many places.
When JFK was campaigning in 1960, he made a campaign visit to Bay Ridge. I believe he went past OLPH in a car. The crowds were enormous.
Funny. I thought you were younger. I had you pegged for 38ish.
Now I was only in third grade in 1963! But yes I do remember that.
I was 4years old and on that day my mother took me to the doctor (Dr.Leo Rosen on 83st and Ft Hamilton Parkway) at the time we lived in Sunset Park and as we headed down to 5th Ave to catch the bus I remember people whaling and crying when my mother asked what happened and they said "The President has been shot" it was the first time I ever saw my mother cry.
Of course it wasn't until I was older that I realized what JFK meant to Irish-Americans and to Catholics. To this day JFK' picture hangs on my mothers living room wall and of course every Palm Sunday it gets a fresh cross.
I remember that time, too. I was also going to OLA at the time (2nd grade). In fact, I remember receiving 1st Communion around the date JFK was assassinated. I remember being shepherded into the church with Bishop Boardman presiding and how emotional everyone was. But what did I know?
I also remember when Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot. We were lined up in the schoolyard behind the old bldg. getting ready for our school trip to the Statue of Liberty when word came about the assassination. All the nuns were discussing whether to go on the trip or not. (We went.)
It's funny what one can remember with the right trigger words!
I was in the second grade at OLA as well. I remember being at Communion practice when they made the announcement. It was so odd to see all the tough old nuns crying. Anyone remember Sister John Kevin?
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